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ISCAS signs new hosting agreement with CEDR

ISCAS is pleased to announce that it is entering a second term of the hosting agreement it has with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR). ISCAS is an independent body and separate from any trade body representing private healthcare. This independence from the trade body ensures that ISCAS can put patients at the centre of the … Continue reading ISCAS signs new hosting agreement with CEDR

PA Weekly News – Patient Association signposts to ISCAS

ISCAS is featured in this week’s Patients Association Weekly News to raise awareness about the way ISCAS and the Patients Association are working together to ensure that patients treated privately have access to an effective independent review stage to complaints. The Patients Association continues to receive calls to their helpline from private patients who struggle with … Continue reading PA Weekly News – Patient Association signposts to ISCAS

ISCAS Governance Advisory Group Meeting

The ISCAS Governance Advisory Group held the last meeting for 2018/19 today. The meeting was well attended by an extensive range of providers including, representatives from the large corporate organisations, standalone hospitals, mental health providers, cosmetic surgery organisations and single specialty providers. The participants shared good practice and provided feedback on how they continue to … Continue reading ISCAS Governance Advisory Group Meeting

ISCAS agrees that HSSIB should include all healthcare

As 2019 begins ISCAS has been reviewing the report from the Joint Committee on Health Service Safety Investigations Bill (HSSIB) and the Government response to the report, having submitted written evidence on the draft bill in 2018. Our written response on the draft HSSIB included concerns about the inclusion of accreditation. ISCAS is pleased to note that … Continue reading ISCAS agrees that HSSIB should include all healthcare