Health Information Week

In the week of the 72nd Birthday of the NHS, the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN) has published a new report that shows how the independent sector has stepped up to increase the support to the NHS. Working together during Covid-19 provides many examples of how healthcare providers have come together to ensure treatments can continue during the pandemic.

This is also Health Information Week and ISCAS knows that finding information about how to escalate complaints can be difficult for patients. The vast majority of patients are satisfied with the care and treatment they receive in the NHS and the independent sector. For those who are dissatisfied the healthcare providers work hard to resolve complaints. In a small minority of cases, patients need to escalate complaints and this process differs depending on how healthcare is funded.

The Patients Association provides information on making a complaint that helps to explain what to do when patients remain dissatisfied. ISCAS continues to work with the Patients Association to help improve our information and processes and we have updated our information on handling complaints during COVID-19 and on reopening of services.