Not-for-profit company
ISCAS is a not-for-profit limited company (Company Number: 7474408). The objects of the company include the establishment, maintenance and promotion of a system for complaint handling in the independent healthcare sector. ISCAS defines the standards for the sector and provides the services of independent adjudication as the third stage of a three-stage process.
Board of Directors
The purpose of the Board of Directors is to set the direction and oversee the effective management of the company in order to ensure that the company performs effectively in the delivery of a system for complaint management, both in terms of financial and quality governance. The Board of Directors ensures that the Code of Practice (the ISCAS Code) is maintained and that the subscribers comply with the ISCAS Code by monitoring complaints and as part of the subscription assurance framework.
Advisory Board
The Board of Directors ensures that advice and expertise is sought from a range of stakeholders on good practice and the operational aspects of complaint management through the establishment and maintenance of the ISCAS Advisory Board. The Advisory Board advisors includes independent healthcare providers (IHPs), a representative of the panel of independent adjudicators and representatives from patient groups including the Patients Association.
Baroness Fiona Hodgson
Baroness Hodgson CBE is the Independent Chair of the ISCAS Advisory Board.