Patient Focus Group

The Paterson Inquiry Report was published in February 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic spread to the UK. The report made a number of recommendations including the need to explain the differences between how private treatment is organised, including the use of ‘practising privileges’ and recommendations on having more effective communication about escalating complaints.

ISCAS continues to work with the Patients Association to continually improve information for patients related to private health and how to complain. We have been unable to hold a planned focus group due to the COVID-19 restrictions. In line with many organisations, we have adapted and have decided to move ahead and utilise technology to undertake a patient discussion.   

The Patients Association is holding an online Zoom patient group discussion on Tuesday 21st July 1.00-3.00pm. Spaces are limited and participants will be selected to ensure a representative group. There will be a £50 voucher to thank participants that attend. The focus group will give patients the opportunity to explore the information needs for patients receiving private healthcare who wish to complain about the service they have received.

Please email the named project manager below if you are a patient who has received private healthcare treatment in the independent sector or in the NHS and would like to be involved in the focus group. For further information or to register your interest please contact Heather Eardley, Project Manager