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ISCAS – Patient Safety Bill must include private patients

ISCAS is extremely disappointed to see that the new Health Service Safety Investigation Bill (HSSIB) is moving forward without the inclusion of the independent sector. In our written evidence submission in 2018 to the Joint Committee on the draft HSSIB, we included: “ISCAS considers that the HSSIB will only command the confidence of patients and their families … Continue reading ISCAS – Patient Safety Bill must include private patients

ISCAS and HIS update agreement on information sharing

ISCAS and Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) have signed an updated agreement to share appropriate information for reasons of public interest, in order to ensure high standards of quality and safety of health care. The new agreement with HIS is based on the Scottish Information Sharing Toolkit and recognises that the exchange of information is helpful … Continue reading ISCAS and HIS update agreement on information sharing

ISCAS links with Welsh regulator and ombudsman

A key feature of promoting patient safety and high-quality healthcare is working in an environment of openness and transparency. It is within these principles that Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW) and ISCAS have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support the exchange of information, where either party encounters a concern, which is relevant to the remit … Continue reading ISCAS links with Welsh regulator and ombudsman

ISCAS aligns with BAAPS on BBL

ISCAS has reminded subscribers that the latest professional guidance does not recommend the procedure called buttock fat grafting (also known and Brazilian Buttock Lift or BBL). ISCAS requires subscribers to maintain compliance with the relevant regulator including, in England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC). In its inspection framework for cosmetic surgery CQC states: “Does the … Continue reading ISCAS aligns with BAAPS on BBL

ISCAS/CEDR host 2019 Training Event

The Patients Association kicked off the annual training event focusing on continual improvement in complaint management by explaining how they support private patients with a range of enquiries and signpost them to ISCAS. The emotional impact on patients on raising a complaint was discussed and about the need for empathy. This theme, which coincided with … Continue reading ISCAS/CEDR host 2019 Training Event

PA Weekly News – ISCAS supports PHIN on transparent fees

ISCAS is featured in this week’s Patients Association Weekly News supporting the work that the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) is doing to to ensure greater transparency about private healthcare fees. The PHIN guide includes a video and an infographic provides information on consultant fees. ISCAS includes a reminder in PA Weekly News about the … Continue reading PA Weekly News – ISCAS supports PHIN on transparent fees

ISCAS submits written evidence to IMMDS Review

The Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review (IMMDSR) has recently published evidence submitted to the Review, following its oral hearings. ISCAS provided written evidence to emphasise the important role played by independent adjudication in affording private patients an escalation pathway for unresolved complaints about subscribing organisations. Our evidence included an overview of what is … Continue reading ISCAS submits written evidence to IMMDS Review

ISCAS signs new Agreement with CQC

As part of our Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), ISCAS has just completed a pilot to improve the CQC inspection team’s focus on the outcomes from ISCAS independent adjudications. ISCAS has shared redacted independent adjudication reports with CQC for a number of years, however there were concerns that the length of … Continue reading ISCAS signs new Agreement with CQC

PA Weekly News – NHS PPU patients no access to PHSO

ISCAS is featured in this week’s Patients Association Weekly News to raise awareness about the fact that the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman (PHSO), the independent body that investigates complaints about government departments and the NHS in England, is not accessible to private patients. This exclusion to PHSO services extends to private healthcare delivered in the NHS, … Continue reading PA Weekly News – NHS PPU patients no access to PHSO