As 2019 begins ISCAS has been reviewing the report from the Joint Committee on Health Service Safety Investigations Bill (HSSIB) and the Government response to the report, having submitted written evidence on the draft bill in 2018. Our written response on the draft HSSIB included concerns about the inclusion of accreditation. ISCAS is pleased to note that the Government has agreed to remove the accreditation provisions that would extend ‘safe space’ investigations to local Trusts. ISCAS agrees with the Joint Committee’s recommendation that the draft Bill should be amended to extend the remit to the provision of all healthcare in England, however funded. ISCAS will be writing to the Minister of State for Care regarding the Government’s plans to consult with stakeholders on extending the remit of the new body to investigate independently funded health care in England.
ISCAS agrees that HSSIB should include all healthcare