Like so many things during this pandemic, using remote working technology has provided an opportunity to think about how we do things, including operating our governance framework and how we gain feedback from different service users. On 7th September 2020, ISCAS hosted a remote advisory group session involving subscribers and those supporting the maintenance of the adjudication service. There were over 45 representatives from the full spectrum of ISCAS subscribers engaging on a wide-ranging agenda, which was chaired by Baroness Fiona Hodgson CBE.
An overview was presented on ISCAS operations, adjudication activity and new subscribers – more information will follow later in September with the publication of the ISCAS Annual Report. An ISCAS Independent Adjudicator presented findings from recent adjudications and subscribers were requested to review the information and consider how to apply the learning in their own organisations.
The Patients Association provided an update on two remote patient focus groups including how patients are feeding back on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the subject of Practising Privileges – a confusing area for patients that was raised in the Paterson Inquiry Report. Subscribers have now been asked to provide feedback before the FAQs are published on the ISCAS website later in the Autumn.
The attendees were also requested to review and provide feedback on the ISCAS draft response on the to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) consultation on the Complaint Standards Framework.
The benefits of mediation in complaints handling were also highlighted at the advisory group meeting. Mediation is thought to be increasingly useful given the expanding number of non-surgical procedures provided by innovative organisations, often with smaller and flatter structures. More information will be issued with an addendum to the ISCAS Code – in the meantime it is great to have such positive feedback from existing subscribers on mediation: