Patient Focus Groups identify the need to improve complaint processes.

ISCAS has noted that the Patient Safety Association identified issues with complaint management in healthcare when they set up patient focus groups to support the current review of standards by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA). They noted concerns from the public including the need to improve complaints processes. The focus … Continue reading Patient Focus Groups identify the need to improve complaint processes.

How Does the Darzi Review Impact the Management of Complaints?

Lord Darzi’s report on the state of the National Health Service in England was published in September 2024. Lord Darzi looked at patient engagement, and the report highlighted that ‘The patient voice is not loud enough’. The report went on to say that the NHS should aspire to deliver high quality care to all of … Continue reading How Does the Darzi Review Impact the Management of Complaints?

Complaint Resolution vs. Complaint Handling

Complaints are grievances that may be indicative of some system failures or individual failings, or a combination of both. They can indicate serious issues. They may indicate dissatisfaction without detail. They are often complex and emotive. Organisations may try to protect themselves and their staff rather than truly resolve a patient’s complaint. Litigation can result … Continue reading Complaint Resolution vs. Complaint Handling

ISCAS 2023-24 Annual Report Launch

The ISCAS 2023-24 Annual Report was launched on 30th September 2024. Sally Taber ISCAS Director introduces the Annual Report and outlines the increase in Stage 3 complaints. The facts and figures show ‘Complaints Handling’ to be the largest head of complaint followed by ‘Consultant/Medical Care’. ISCAS has brought to the attention of the GMC and the … Continue reading ISCAS 2023-24 Annual Report Launch