How Does the Darzi Review Impact the Management of Complaints?

Lord Darzi’s report on the state of the National Health Service in England was published in September 2024.

Lord Darzi looked at patient engagement, and the report highlighted that ‘The patient voice is not loud enough’. The report went on to say that the NHS should aspire to deliver high quality care to all of its patients, all of the time. This not only means care that is safe and effective, but that treats people with dignity, compassion and respect, making their experiences as positive as they can be. Nonetheless, patient satisfaction with NHS services has declined while the number of complaints has increased, with patients feeling less empowered to make choices about their care.

The Darzi report identified that the number of formal complaints raised about NHS services has changed over time as awareness of the complaints process has risen. However, it is still striking that complaints have nearly doubled in little over a decade, according to data shared with the investigation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. As the highest level to which complaints about the NHS can be directed, the PHSO received 14,615 formal complaints in 2011-12, rising to 28,780 complaints by 2023-24. The report also identified that clinical negligence claims are at record high levels.

Is it time we look at complaints processes in a different way, using them as a way to learn and improve, rather than a method for handling and closing down complaints? All health sector professionals face constraints on time and resources, and we all believe we are doing the best we can in the circumstances. But is our best good enough? Is there room for us to do better?

Have you read the report? Whilst it focuses on the NHS, there are some similarities in the private sector as well. Does your organisation try for complaint resolution rather than just complaint handling? Do you use the learning gleaned from complaints? Do you have an improvement programme that includes complaints? Do you share across your sector with other colleagues? Do you access training available from ISCAS and other training providers?

Please contact ISCAS if we can help you with complaint resolution.

Written by Vivienne Heckford.