
The Complaints Process

ISCAS has produced a patients’ guide with input from the Patients Association which explains how to make a complaint about an ISCAS subscriber using the ISCAS Complaints Code of Practice.
ISCAS subscribers follow a complaints code which is a three stage process focusing on local resolution wherever possible. Stage 3 adjudication affords those complainants using ISCAS subscriber hospitals and clinics an independent review process for complaints that cannot be resolved locally.
Read more here about the Complaints Process

What ISCAS can and can’t do

ISCAS can consider complaints about ISCAS member hospitals/clinics that have gone through Stages 1 and 2 of the local complaints procedure.
ISCAS can also deal with complaints about doctors who are part of the Independent Doctors Federation (IDF) where the complaint has been through Stages 1 and 2 of the IDF procedure.
Read more here

Complaints about ISCAS service standards

Complaints about the way the ISCAS Management Team has handled a complaint at Stage 3 or about an Independent Adjudicator, should be made in writing to the Director of ISCAS. A complaint can only be made if the complainant believes that the ISCAS Management Team or the Adjudicator have failed to carry out the process of adjudication properly.
Click here to read more about complaints